Commercial property taxes seem to go up every time you get an assessment from the county assessor. However, even as residential real estate prices have skyrocketed lately, that may not be the case for commercial properties. As such, you can fight back against those high commercial property taxes, if they are overvaluing your Florida commercial property.
When you get the original assessment
When you receive the original assessment notice, there will be instructions on how to appeal the commercial property tax assessment. Usually, it can be done through e-mail or through the county tax assessor’s website.
However, sometimes, you will need to return some kind of appeal card attached to the notice itself. If that is the case, make sure you send it by certified mail with a return receipt to prove it was sent. In addition, document the sending and keep proof of the receipt. Then, follow up with them to make sure they received the appeal notice.
You will then get an appeal hearing notice
Of course, in the interim, you should be planning your Tampa, Florida, appeal. Though, once you get your appeal hearing notice, it will contain when the appeal will occur, where it will be held and how to submit your evidence.
Follow these instructions exactly, including the number of copies you will need to bring of your evidence. If you do not follow these instructions, you likely will not be able to use all of the evidence you want during your appeal hearing.
Value evidence
The evidence that you should compile relates to what you believe the true value is of your commercial property. You can argue the actual value, an equalized taxable value or some other special value. The key though is making sure that, whatever value you want to argue, you bring sufficient proof to prove your Tampa, Florida, case.
What kind of evidence do I need?
Especially when you are arguing an actual value that is lower than the assessed value due to the state of the property, like from property damage and deferred repairs, pictures speak louder than your words. If there is fire or water damage, do not just tell them, bring pictures. And, better yet, bring pictures, along with cost estimates for the repairs.
Do I need witnesses?
That really depends on the evidence you are submitting. If you have three quotes for various repairs, you likely will not need to bring the Tampa, Florida, company’s representative or agent in as a witness. However, if you are using a third-party appraisal report, you will likely need to bring that appraiser.